The overall condition of shrubland-associated birds is Good.
Point Blue Conservation Science analyzed patterns of abundance from 1996 to 2013 to determine the trends for as many individual species as possible (see References below). Trends were determined for two of the six shrubland-associated species.
While the condition rating is Good, trends were Unknown for four species. Additional years of data, at more sites, could bolster the assessment for shrubland birds. Such an assessment is important given that shrubland species appear to be declining regionally.
Cormier, R.L., Seavy, N.E., & Humple. D.L.. (2014). Abundance patterns of landbirds in the Marin Municipal Water District: 1996 to 2013. Point Blue Report. Available here.
Pitkin, M. & Wood, J. (Eds). (2011). The State of the Birds, San Francisco Bay. PRBO Conservation Science and the San Francisco Bay Joint Venture. Available from: