Looking for a family-friendly outing?
Join us for family-friendly activities on and around Mt. Tam
Storytimes at Pickleweed Library! Join us for nature-themed stories and activities in English and Spanish. We meet either in the park just outside the library or in the library, depending on weather.
- First Tuesdays, 10:30-11:15
- 3rd Saturdays from May- September, 10:30-12:30
Visit us at these community events
- Saturday, September 7, 11 am- 2 pm: Ember Stomp
- Thursday, September 19: 3- 7 pm: Marin City Job Fair
- Saturday Oct 5, assorted program times: Mt Tam Science Quest Day
Please note that weather conditions, smoke, or red flag warnings may cancel an outing— please reach out to Monica Stafford at mstafford@onetam.org for questions.
About the Tam Van
In a quest to educate current park users and inspire new audiences to explore the parks, One Tam created the “Tam Van” mobile visitor center: a retrofitted bread truck that travels to park sites and communities across Marin County. Staff and volunteers dispense maps, trail guides, program information, and friendly advice on how people can make the most of their visit. Since 2015, it has been providing many of the functions of a visitor center, at a fraction of the cost of constructing a permanent facility, and it reaches new audiences that find it difficult to get to the parks due to distance or limited transit options.
The Tam Van is largely funded by Measure A. Thank you Marin County residents!