Over the past several months, One Tam partner staff have been out in the community talking about the Evolving Shorelines project at Bothin Marsh. You may have seen us at a pop-up event in August at the new proposed trailhead location near Tam Junction, or meeting folks along the Mill Valley-Sausalito pathway with the Tam Van. We’ve also hosted youth workshops, presented at community meetings, and joined Creekside Fridays in Tam Valley.
We discussed a suite of options identified for pathway and trailhead improvements, and heard from community members regarding trailhead amenities, their experience of these spaces, parking and traffic congestion. We also heard resounding support for habitat restoration. Thanks to all who have provided input for this project so far, it’s been critical for planning a project that will work for the marsh’s and the community’s needs. Based on these initial conversations, we have developed some guiding principles to inform next steps in design and are seeking more community feedback.
We need your help! If you want to weigh in on the future of Bothin Marsh Preserve and the Mill Valley-Sausalito Pathway, please take a moment to share your thoughts here.
Our project team has learned a great deal about Bothin Marsh Preserve through scientific studies conducted over the last year. Our findings include:
- Important details such as utility infrastructure locations and easements, property boundaries, rare plant populations, and detailed topography have all been mapped
- Our engineers have studied how the path could be raised in an ecologically sound way, looking ahead to mid-century sea level rise
- Working within infrastructure constraints and the need to protect sensitive species, we have identified the specific location for the new pathway
- A series of alternatives to connect the sediment flows from Coyote Creek to the marsh have been modeled and refined, part of a critical strategy to improving marsh resiliency
Along with additional community input (don't forget to take the survey and help spread the word!) and completion of a few more studies, we look forward to sharing the preliminary designs by the spring of 2023.