Ukelele in the Park
Source: Marin County Parks
Chicken Ranch Beach
Saturday, May 18, 2024, 10am – 12pm

Directions: Meet at the Chicken Ranch Beach pullout. From Hwy 101 in Larkspur, take the Sir Francis Drake exit 20.4 miles to Olema. Turn right onto Hwy 1 and go 2 miles. Turn left onto Sir Francis Drake and follow 4.7 miles, parking is on the right.
Saturday, May 18, 2024, 10am – 12pm

Join our talented ranger crew for a ukulele lesson at the beach! Bring your ukulele and your enthusiasm for music and learning. You can learn the chords and strumming necessary to play the song “I'm Yours." This event is ideal for ages 10 and older. Bring a blanket or towel for sitting on the lawn. Friendly dogs are okay but must be on a leash. Adverse weather or poor air quality may cancel; if in doubt, text or call (415) 328-8481 two hours before the event to confirm the status. Registration is required.
Questions: Contact Nova Hairston
Directions: Meet at the Chicken Ranch Beach pullout. From Hwy 101 in Larkspur, take the Sir Francis Drake exit 20.4 miles to Olema. Turn right onto Hwy 1 and go 2 miles. Turn left onto Sir Francis Drake and follow 4.7 miles, parking is on the right.