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References by Topic: Click on one of the links below to jump to the references for a particular topic:

Information Gaps
This assessment process revealed critical data gaps for a number of important health indicators.

Plants & Fungi

Mt. Tam hosts over 750 native plant species that make up rich array of native plant communities. These communities, and their arrangement on the landscape, are the foundation of ecosystem health.
Rare Plant Program
This program helps coordinate data management, mapping, monitoring, and research, and be able to look beyond their borders to rare plant conservation across the mountain.
Large-scale Inventories & Monitoring
A comprehensive, big-picture view of the mountain’s resources will allow managers to prioritize restoration and protection efforts and allocate resources in new ways.
Invasive Plant Monitoring & Management
This program builds on successful existing models to find and eliminate priority weeds and engage volunteers in caring for Mt. Tamalpais.
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