One Tam is working to understand more about the sensitive and seldom seen California Giant Salamander.
One Tam is continuing our efforts to monitor and understand more about Mt. Tamalpais’ wild bees.
One Tam partners are now working to identify monarch butterfly overwintering and breeding habitat for restoration in the region, and to plan enhancement efforts.
Seldom seen and poorly studied, the lives and habits of Marin County’s bats are largely a mystery. However, bats are actually tremendously important parts of our communities.
This program helps coordinate data management, mapping, monitoring, and research, and be able to look beyond their borders to rare plant conservation across the mountain.
A comprehensive, big-picture view of the mountain’s resources will allow managers to prioritize restoration and protection efforts and allocate resources in new ways.
This program builds on successful existing models to find and eliminate priority weeds and engage volunteers in caring for Mt. Tamalpais.
The One Tam partner agencies are using motion-activated cameras to study wildlife on public lands around Mt. Tamalpais.