Indian Valley Butterflies
Source: Marin County Parks
Indian Valley Preserve
Sunday, June 30, 2024, 10am – 2pm

This preserve is a great spot to see a variety of butterflies: Blues, swallowtails, admirals, sisters, buckeyes, checkerspots, crescents, and many more. We’ll take the time to observe them as they go about their business of finding nectar, attracting mates, detecting the proper plants to lay eggs on, and engaging in a practice called “puddling”. If you’re not sure what “puddling” is, you’ll have to join us to see. Parking is limited so leave time to find a spot. Total miles: 1.5. Elevation change: 200’. Remember to bring lunch, and binoculars if you have them. No pets (except service dogs) are allowed. Be sure to check the calendar two hours before the event to confirm the status. Adverse weather or poor air quality may cancel.
Registration is required.
Questions: Contact Shannon Burke at
Directions: Meet at the College of Marin Indian Valley Campus in Novato, parking lot 6 (1800 Ignacio Blvd). From Hwy 101 in Novato, take the Ignacio Blvd/Bel Marin Keys Blvd exit west onto Ignacio Blvd approximately 2.5 miles all the way through campus.
Sponsor: Parks
Sunday, June 30, 2024, 10am – 2pm

This preserve is a great spot to see a variety of butterflies: Blues, swallowtails, admirals, sisters, buckeyes, checkerspots, crescents, and many more. We’ll take the time to observe them as they go about their business of finding nectar, attracting mates, detecting the proper plants to lay eggs on, and engaging in a practice called “puddling”. If you’re not sure what “puddling” is, you’ll have to join us to see. Parking is limited so leave time to find a spot. Total miles: 1.5. Elevation change: 200’. Remember to bring lunch, and binoculars if you have them. No pets (except service dogs) are allowed. Be sure to check the calendar two hours before the event to confirm the status. Adverse weather or poor air quality may cancel.
Registration is required.
Questions: Contact Shannon Burke at
Directions: Meet at the College of Marin Indian Valley Campus in Novato, parking lot 6 (1800 Ignacio Blvd). From Hwy 101 in Novato, take the Ignacio Blvd/Bel Marin Keys Blvd exit west onto Ignacio Blvd approximately 2.5 miles all the way through campus.
Sponsor: Parks