Lecture: Backyard Birds of Inverness
Source: Marin County Parks
Inverness Library
Tuesday, February 20, 2024, 10:30am – 12:30pm

*This event has been rescheduled from original date of 2/7/24*
With its wooded yards, lush riparian areas, and the open waters of Tomales Bay, Inverness is a fabulous place to observe birds. Step outside on any spring day and you’ll almost certainly be greeted by a vibrant choir of birdsong, but winter can also be a great time to see land and water birds who spend the season here. Marin County Parks Interpretive Naturalist Shannon Burke will give a talk on some of the species we might expect to see throughout the year before heading out for a short walk to explore the nearby creek and bay-side habitats where we’ll look for a few of our feathered neighbors. Bring binoculars if you have them.
Directions: Meet at the Inverness Library. From Hwy 101 in Larkspur, take the Sir Francis Drake exit 20.4 miles to Olema. Turn right onto Hwy 1 and go 2 miles. Turn left onto Sir Francis Drake and follow 3.9 miles. Turn left onto Inverness Way. The library is on the corner of Inverness Way and Park Ave.
Sponsor: Parks
Tuesday, February 20, 2024, 10:30am – 12:30pm

*This event has been rescheduled from original date of 2/7/24*
With its wooded yards, lush riparian areas, and the open waters of Tomales Bay, Inverness is a fabulous place to observe birds. Step outside on any spring day and you’ll almost certainly be greeted by a vibrant choir of birdsong, but winter can also be a great time to see land and water birds who spend the season here. Marin County Parks Interpretive Naturalist Shannon Burke will give a talk on some of the species we might expect to see throughout the year before heading out for a short walk to explore the nearby creek and bay-side habitats where we’ll look for a few of our feathered neighbors. Bring binoculars if you have them.
Directions: Meet at the Inverness Library. From Hwy 101 in Larkspur, take the Sir Francis Drake exit 20.4 miles to Olema. Turn right onto Hwy 1 and go 2 miles. Turn left onto Sir Francis Drake and follow 3.9 miles. Turn left onto Inverness Way. The library is on the corner of Inverness Way and Park Ave.
Sponsor: Parks