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Coffee with a Ranger

Coffee with a Ranger

Source: Marin County Parks
Mount Burdell Preserve
Sunday, March 13, 2022, 9 – 11am

Coffee with a Ranger

Enjoy a cup of coffee with us! This is a great opportunity to ask questions about our preserves and get to know some open space rangers.

Adverse weather may cancel. Check the calendar on the day of the event to see if it is canceled.

Registration is not required. Save time on the day of the event by signing in now. For more information, contact Ranger Casey.

Directions: Meet at the gate on San Andreas Dr in Novato., From Hwy 101 in Novato, take the exit for San Marin Dr west 2.3 miles. Turn right onto San Andreas Dr and follow approximately 0.5 miles. The gate is on the right (before the dead-end).