CANCELED - History of Paradise Park
Source: Marin County Parks
Sunday, April 19, 2020, 10am – 12pm

Join a Ranger for a presentation about Paradise Park's history. The presentation will include information about the local Coast Miwok, Colonial California, the Gold Rush, and Paradise Parks' WWII use as a training center for repairing naval vessels.
This event is ideal for ages eight and up. Dress in layers and wear sturdy shoes. No pets (except service animals) are allowed at this park. Rain will cancel.
Please reserve your spot in advance, as this event is limited to 25 participants. Questions or to RSVP: Contact Ranger Jeffrey Gerbic. Park entrance fee is waived for participants.
Directions: From Hwy 101 in Mill Valley, take the exit for Tiburon Blvd (Hwy 131) east 1.8 miles. Turn left onto Trestle Glen Blvd, right onto Paradise Dr, and follow for 1.5 miles. The park is on the left.
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Join a Ranger for a presentation about Paradise Park's history. The presentation will include information about the local Coast Miwok, Colonial California, the Gold Rush, and Paradise Parks' WWII use as a training center for repairing naval vessels.
This event is ideal for ages eight and up. Dress in layers and wear sturdy shoes. No pets (except service animals) are allowed at this park. Rain will cancel.
Please reserve your spot in advance, as this event is limited to 25 participants. Questions or to RSVP: Contact Ranger Jeffrey Gerbic. Park entrance fee is waived for participants.
Directions: From Hwy 101 in Mill Valley, take the exit for Tiburon Blvd (Hwy 131) east 1.8 miles. Turn left onto Trestle Glen Blvd, right onto Paradise Dr, and follow for 1.5 miles. The park is on the left.
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